TIPO Statistics Report: Patent and Trademark Applications in 2014 - 2015.04.10 - Lewis & Davis Patent Attorneys Office
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TIPO Statistics Report: Patent and Trademark Applications in 2014 - 2015.04.10

In 2014, TIPO received a total of 78,014 patent applications (6.2% less than 2013) and 46,378 invention patent applications (a near 10% drop, or 4,811 applications less, in two years). In trademark, applications (75,933) saw a 2.6% increase. TIPO sees the trend is moving toward the direction where government agencies, the industries, and academia have now focused their attention on utilizing limited resources to optimize patent quality and value.
Compared to 2013, the number of invention (46,378), utility model (23,488), and design patent applications (8,148) saw an overall decrease (Figure 1). This overall drop was mainly caused by a 12.3% slump in invention applications (19,054, or -2,676) filed by Taiwan nationals, with the total number of invention applications concluded at a -5.8% (-2,840) dip (Figure 2). Invention applications filed by Taiwan nationals saw a three-year decline (19%), hitting the lowest point in ten years. In all, corporations’ shifting emphasis on patent quality, as well as budget cut in government funding to academic and research institutes, who are now becoming conservative patent applicants, may have contributed to declining invention applications

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