Amended Patent Attorney Act now effective - 2016.01.29 - Lewis & Davis Patent Attorneys Office
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Amended Patent Attorney Act now effective - 2016.01.29

Since its promulgation in 2007, the Patent Attorney Act has only been amended once, which took place in 2009. There are, however, provisions on key practices that require further amendment. To this purpose, TIPO began the amendment process. The Act was later promulgated on July 1, 2015, and then became effective on January 1, 2016. Key revisions include:
1. Simplifying administrative procedures
The provision that requires registration for patent attorney practices is deleted. A patent attorney now has to complete pre-employment training to apply for certificate.

2. Employment by a registered corporation
In addition to setting up a law firm and working for a patent firm, a patent attorney can now be employed by a registered more

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