Top 100 Patent Applications in 2023 - 2024.03.05 - Lewis & Davis Patent Attorneys Office
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Top 100 Patent Applications in 2023 - 2024.03.05

TIPO’s 2023 Statistical Rankings for Patent Applications and Grants reveals that TSMC maintained its position as the top domestic patent applicant for the eighth consecutive year, filing 1,956 applications. As for foreign applicants, Samsung Electronics of the Republic of Korea moved up to the top spot for the first time, with a total of 978 applications. Furthermore, both the applications of TSMC and Samsung Electronics set record highs. With respect to overall patent grants, TSMC led the pack for domestic applications with 1,040 grants, and US-based Applied Materials was the most prolific foreign applicant with 591 grants.

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Top 100 Patent Applications in 2023

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