Announcing Updates to the Trademark Classification for Goods and Services - 2024年01月19日 - 遠碩專利師事務所


Announcing Updates to the Trademark Classification for Goods and Services - 2024年01月19日

TIPO has made adjustments to the designated goods/services names in trademark applications in response to the latest (12th) edition of the " Nice Classification " (2024). A total of 422 items have been added, 56 items deleted. An additional 15 modifications have been made to class/subclass names or annotations, as well as 25 corrections.

The aforementioned changes shall take effect on January 1, 2024. The list of designated goods/services categories and names will be updated on the online trademark filing system as well (for an official timeline of website updates, please refer to the TIPO Information Management Office.)

For more information, Please visit:
Announcing Updates to the Trademark Classification for Goods and Services


遠 碩 專 利 師 事 務 所  
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